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Detailed Reference Information

Detailed information for reference 32290

 Kurata, H. (1970) Studies on the life histories of decapod crustacea of Georgia Part III Larvae of decapod crustacea of Georgia. [Unpublished]. Pp. 122–274, Plates 1–105. PDF is 49MB (also available in 4 parts)


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PDF quality information

PDF quality
Text completeness:3/3 Text is complete
Plate completeness:3/3 Plates are complete (or original has no plates)
Text scan quality:2/5 Largely readable, but some dropouts and probably poor OCR
Plate/figure quality:3/5 Well-scanned, but not full resolution; color lost
(Completeness refers to presence of entire pages in the document, not whether some pages are partially visible.)
PDF contributorAssembling the Tree of Life: Decapoda
PDF commentsReadable, but not pristine, photocopy. Composite PDF from several contributors: Joel Martin, David Kott, Helena Marcos Herrera.

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Reference record internal details

Reference ID 32290
Reference type book
Authors Kurata, H.
Publication Year (for display) 1970
Publication Year (for sorting) 1970
Title Studies on the life histories of decapod crustacea of Georgia Part III Larvae of decapod crustacea of Georgia
Secondary Title  
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Pages 122–274
Place published  
Published [Unpublished]
Reference Contributor Tag dpentcheff
Last Changed Thu May 2 13:42:10 2013

Creative Commons License Copyright NHMLAC    Design: Dean Pentcheff pentcheff@gmail.com