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Detailed information for reference 30634

 Dickinson, E.C. (2005) The Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1859–1900: an exploration of breaks between calendar years of publication. Journal of Zoology 266: 427–430. PDF is 41kB


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2009-02-25 N. Dean Pentcheff Viewed paper/PDF original

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2009-09-08 N. Dean Pentcheff en-dash between years
2009-07-29 N. Dean Pentcheff Revised journal title for 1987-2009+ (J. Zool.)

Reference record internal details

Reference ID 30634
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Dickinson, E.C.
Publication Year (for display) 2005
Publication Year (for sorting) 2005
Title The _Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London_, 1859–1900: an exploration of breaks between calendar years of publication
Secondary Title Journal of Zoology
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 266
Pages 427–430
Place published  
Duncan (1937) provided detailed information that has been widely used to date names of new taxa described in early volumes of the Proceedings. The examinations reported here suggest that at least at the point where the year of publication is important Duncan was usually cor rect, and although exceptions are reported they are not of great consequence (although 14 of 42 volumes are anomalous). These exceptions relate to cases where the published pages differed from a multiple of the signature size by a couple of pages or so. Over the 41 volumes examined, two or more techniques were used to provide, economically, text needed to complete an article that would have over-run the number of signatures planned for the issue. The importance of retaining wrappers and binding them in is demonstrated by what can be learned from them.
Reference Contributor Tag atolla
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:54 2012

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