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Detailed Reference Information

Detailed information for reference 30053

 Robinson, C.J., J. Gomez, and V. Arenas (1997) On the structure of a deep scattering layer on the coastal shelf off Bahia Magdalena, Baja California, Mexico. Ciencias Marinas 23(1): 141–154.


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Reference record internal details

Reference ID 30053
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Robinson, C.J.
Gomez, J.
Arenas, V.
Publication Year (for display) 1997
Publication Year (for sorting) 1997
Title On the structure of a deep scattering layer on the coastal shelf off Bahia Magdalena, Baja California, Mexico
Secondary Title Ciencias Marinas
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 23
Issue 1
Pages 141–154
Place published  
The structure of an intense deep scattering layer off the southwest coast of Baja California, Mexico, is described using Isaacs-Kidd net trawl samples, Bongo samples and hydroacoustic records. Results demonstrate the dominance of three organisms: an euphausiid, Euphausia eximia Hansen 1911, a decapod of the family Galatheidae, Pleuroncodes planipes (Stimpson, 1860); and a fish of the family Photichthyidae, Vinciguerria lucetia (Carman, 1899). Using a SIMRAD EY-200 echosounder, with a working frequency of 200 kWz, and a Hydro Acoustic Data Acquisition System (HADAS), echoes were separated according to their target strength. Euphausiids were associated with the -56 to -62 dB target strength group, the red crabs with the -51 to -55 dB group, and fishes with the -32 to -50 dB group. Results indicate that organisms within the layer were not randomly distributed, but that they have an internal structure both in a horizontal and vertical dimension.
Reference Contributor Tag galatheid
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:54 2012

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