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Detailed information for reference 28048

 Mutel, M.H.E., D.A. Waugh, R.M. Feldmann, and K.M. Parsons-Hubbard (2008) Experimental taphonomy of Callinectes sapidus and cuticular controls on preservation. Palaios 23: 615–623. PDF is 1.6MB


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2008-10-03 N. Dean Pentcheff Viewed paper/PDF original

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Reference ID 28048
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Mutel, M.H.E.
Waugh, D.A.
Feldmann, R.M.
Parsons-Hubbard, K.M.
Publication Year (for display) 2008
Publication Year (for sorting) 2008
Title Experimental taphonomy of _Callinectes sapidus_ and cuticular controls on preservation
Secondary Title Palaios
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 23
Pages 615–623
Place published  
Examination of remains of Callinectes sapidus deployed in several depth and environmental settings in the Bahamas and Gulf of Mexico as part of the Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative project revealed that all specimens were uniformly and strongly de- graded except those in brine-seep settings. Fragmentation and loss of cuticular material at all sites was correlated to the degree of calcifi- cation within the cuticle of different skeletal elements as observed in the undeployed specimens. Claws, tips of the last anterolateral spine, and mandibles were the most durable remains. In brine-seep areas, extraordinary preservation yielded articulated skeletal elements and some soft tissue. Examination of the cuticle in control specimens with cross-polarized light and computed tomographic scanning documents the correspondence of high degrees of calcification with portions of the exoskeleton remaining after deployment.
Reference Contributor Tag atolla
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:53 2012

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