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Detailed information for reference 28016

 Brodie, R.J., M.E. Behum, E. Monroe, N. Glenn, and J.L. Staton (2005) Recruitment to adult habitats following marine planktonic development in the fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, U. pugnax, and U. minax. Marine Biology 147: 105–111. PDF is 409kB


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2008-09-26 N. Dean Pentcheff Viewed paper/PDF original

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Reference ID 28016
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Brodie, R.J.
Behum, M.E.
Monroe, E.
Glenn, N.
Staton, J.L.
Publication Year (for display) 2005
Publication Year (for sorting) 2005
Title Recruitment to adult habitats following marine planktonic development in the fiddler crabs, _Uca pugilator_, _U. pugnax_, and _U. minax_
Secondary Title Marine Biology
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 147
Pages 105–111
Place published  
Three congeneric species of fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator (Bosc, 1802), U. pugnax (Smith, 1870), and U. minax (LeConte, 1855), co-occur in estuaries along the east coast of North America, from Cape Cod to northern Florida. Although U. minax adults are generally found at lower salinities than the other two species, the distributions of all three species overlap to some degree. The distribution of megalopae and juvenile fiddler crabs (from first crab stage to those with a carapace width of 3.0 mm) was examined at four sites along a salinity gradient (from 35.0±2.0& to 3.0±3.0&; x SD ) in the North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA, in August 2002. A PCR-RFLP technique was developed to identify individuals from the genus Uca to species from first zoea through the early crab stages. An examination of the distribution of early life stages showed that U. minax reinvades low-salinity adult habitats at settlement, following planktonic larval development in the coastal ocean. Also, juveniles of U. pugilator were found to occupy Spartina alterniflora stands, where adult conspecifics rarely occur. Species frequencies were different for adults compared to early life stages in lowsalinity areas of the marsh, where populations overlap. Settlement and survival dynamics of early life-history stages in wet and dry years likely determine the distribution of adult Uca spp. populations along salinity gradients in estuarine ecosystems.
Reference Contributor Tag atolla
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:53 2012

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