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Detailed information for reference 27616

 Jones, W.J. and E. Macpherson (2007) Molecular phylogeny of the east Pacific squat lobsters of the genus Munidopsis (Decapoda: Galatheidae) with the descriptions of seven new species. Journal of Crustacean Biology 27(3): 477–501. PDF is 1.3MB


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PDF contributorGalatheid Workshop 2007 (Gary Poore)
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2008-10-28 N. Dean Pentcheff Abstract from Galatheid Workshop

Reference record internal details

Reference ID 27616
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Jones, W.J.
Macpherson, E.
Publication Year (for display) 2007
Publication Year (for sorting) 2007
Title Molecular phylogeny of the east Pacific squat lobsters of the genus _Munidopsis_ (Decapoda: Galatheidae) with the descriptions of seven new species
Secondary Title Journal of Crustacean Biology
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 27
Issue 3
Pages 477–501
Place published  
Numerous specimens of the genus _Munidopsis_ from the East Pacific, and including the East Pacific Rise (EPR), are reviewed using morphological characters and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences. Six new _Munidopsis_ species from the East Pacific are described (_M. bracteosa, M. hirsuta, M. kensmithi, M. scotti, M. segonzaci,_ and _M. tiburon_), and the status of _M. recta_ is revised. A seventh new species (_M. vrijenhoeki_) from Fiji Basin (SW Pacific) is also included. A combined morphological and molecular analysis revealed that the most common species on the EPR is _Munidopsis recta_. Most of the new species can be differentiated from closely related species by subtle morphological characters, which correspondingly match the molecular phylogeny and large molecular divergence, confirming the existence of sibling species in the genus _Munidopsis_. Most _Munidopsis_ individuals formerly considered _M. subsquamosa_ from the East Pacific Rise appear to be members of _M. recta_. One potential sister taxa to _M. recta_ is _M. bracteosa_, which is found at the Juan de Fuca hydrothermal vents, the Mendocino Fracture Zone, and a Monterey Bay whalefall. Our findings suggest that _Munidopsis_ populations are tightly interconnected between distant and discrete locations, and challenge models for the predicted dispersal of these species. Additional sampling of _Munidopsis_ populations on localized habitats (wood, hydrothermal vents, and whale falls), as well as intervening abyssal areas, are required to fully understand the complex evolutionary history and diversity of this group.
Reference Contributor Tag galatheid
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:53 2012

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