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Detailed Reference Information

Detailed information for reference 24732

 Borradaile, L.A. (1917) The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, M.A.. No. VIII. - On the Pontoniinae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, series 2, Zoology 27(1): 323–396.


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2007-08-09 Sammy De Grave Viewed paper/PDF original

Reference change log

2011-05-17 Regina Wetzer changed year, Sammy had as 1921
2009-07-29 N. Dean Pentcheff Tweaked journal title for consistency and correctness (series 2 from 1875-1936)
2008-10-16 N. Dean Pentcheff Title caps

Reference record internal details

Reference ID 24732
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Borradaile, L.A.
Publication Year (for display) 1917
Publication Year (for sorting) 1917
Title The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, M.A.. No. VIII. - On the Pontoniinae
Secondary Title Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, series 2, Zoology
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 27
Issue 1
Pages 323–396
Place published  
Keywords Urocaridella Urocaridella gracilis Periclimenes Periclimenes longicaudata Manipontonia psamathe Palaemonella Palaemonella elegans Palaemonella tridentata Palaemonella longirostris Periclimenes frater Periclimenes incertus Periclimenes commensalis Periclimenes brocki Laomenes ceratophthalmus Laomenes cornutus Periclimenes vitiensis Periclimenes nilandensis Periclimenes longirostris Periclimenes dubius Periclimenes seychellensis Periclimenes compressus Periclimenes brocketti Periclimenes pottsi Periclimenes suvadensis Periclimenes kolumadulensis Periclimenes borradailei Periclimenes spiniferus Pontoniopsis Pontoniopsis comanthi Periclimenaeus Periclimenaeus robustus Paraclimenaeus fimbriatus Harpiliopsis Harpiliopsis depressa Harpiliopsis beaupresii Coralliocaris Coralliocaris graminea Coralliocaris nudirostris Coralliocaris macrophthalma Jocaste japonica Anchistus Anchistus miersi Conchodytes Conchodytes tridacnae Conchodytes meleagrinae Pontonides Pontonides maldivensis
Reference Contributor Tag sdegrave
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:51 2012

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