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Detailed information for reference 21976

 Sakai, K. (2002) Callianassidae (Decapoda, Thalassinidea) in the Andaman Sea, Thailand. Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 461–532. PDF is 1.5MB


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2009-02-05 N. Dean Pentcheff Viewed paper/PDF original

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2009-02-05 N. Dean Pentcheff Add abstract.

Reference record internal details

Reference ID 21976
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Sakai, K.
Publication Year (for display) 2002
Publication Year (for sorting) 2002
Title Callianassidae (Decapoda, Thalassinidea) in the Andaman Sea, Thailand
Secondary Title Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 23
Issue 2
Pages 461–532
Place published  
The Callianassidae collected by Phuket Marine Biological Center (PMBC), BIOSHELF program (1996– 1998) is here reported on. The collection is composed of the genus Calliax including two species, C. andamanica sp. nov., and C. sp., Gourretia including two new species, G. phuketensis sp. nov., and G. aungtonyae sp. nov., two new genera, Lipkecallianassa gen. nov. (type species R. abyssa sp. nov.), Michaelcallianassa gen. nov. (type species M. indica sp. nov.), and Callianassa, including 12 new species, C. anoploura, C. malaccaensis, C. stenomastaxa, C. brachytelson, C. amplimaxilla, C. matzi, C. chakratongae, C. brevirostris, C. nieli, C. propriopedis, C. contipes and C. nigroculata sp. nov., and one named species, C. tonkinae Grebenjuk, and another four species that remain un-named. As a result seventeen new species and another five species including two new genera are described.
Keywords thalassinidea callianassa callianassidae callianassinae calliax eucalliacinae gourretiinae gourretia keys genera keys species key lipkecallianassa michaelcallianassa systematics thailand
Reference Contributor Tag gpoore
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:48 2012

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