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Detailed Reference Information

Detailed information for reference 21090

 Phillips, D.A.B., C.P. Handreck, P.E. Bock, R. Burn, B.J. Smith, and D.A. Staples (1984) Coastal invertebrates of Victoria. An atlas of selected species. (1st Edition) Melbourne: Marine Research Group of Victoria in association with the Museum of Victoria. 168 pp.


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Reference record internal details

Reference ID 21090
Reference type book
Authors Phillips, D.A.B.
Handreck, C.P.
Bock, P.E.
Burn, R.
Smith, B.J.
Staples, D.A.
Publication Year (for display) 1984
Publication Year (for sorting) 1984
Title Coastal invertebrates of Victoria. An atlas of selected species
Secondary Title  
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Pages 168
Place published Melbourne
Published Marine Research Group of Victoria in association with the Museum of Victoria
Keywords actaea austromegabalanus balanidae balanus brachynotus carcinus catomerus catophragmidae chaemosipho chthamalidae chthamalus cyclograpsus decapoda care ebalia elminius epopella goneplacidae grapsidae halicarcinus heloecius helograpsus hymenosomatidae ibla iblidae leptograpsus leucosiidae litocheira lomis lomisidae macrophthalmus majidae mictyridae mictyris nectocarcinus notomithrax ocypodidae ovalipes paguridae paguristes paragrapsus petrocheles philyra pilumnopeus pinnotheres pinnotheridae plagusia porcellanidae portunidae sesarma tesseropora tetraclitella tetraclitidae xanthidae
Reference Contributor Tag gpoore
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:48 2012

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