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 Marin, S.L. and M. George-Nascimento (1993) Tamano corporal y h bitat del nape Callianassa garthi Retamal, 1975 (Crustacea: Thalassinidea) como factores que afectan la distribución y abundancia del copépodo ectosimbionte Clausidium sp. (Cyclopoida)[Host Body Size and Habitat as Factors Affecting the Distribution and Abundance of the Copepod Clausidium-Sp (Cyclopoida), Ectosymbiont of the Ghost Shrimp Callianassa garthi Retamal, 1975 (Crustacea, Thalassinidea)]. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 66(4): 427–437.


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Reference record internal details

Reference ID 19421
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Marin, S.L.
George-Nascimento, M.
Publication Year (for display) 1993
Publication Year (for sorting) 1993
Title Tamano corporal y h bitat del nape _Callianassa garthi_ Retamal, 1975 (Crustacea: Thalassinidea) como factores que afectan la distribución y abundancia del copépodo ectosimbionte _Clausidium _sp. (Cyclopoida)[Host Body Size and Habitat as Factors Affecting the Distribution and Abundance of the Copepod _Clausidium_-Sp (Cyclopoida), Ectosymbiont of the Ghost Shrimp _Callianassa garthi_ Retamal, 1975 (Crustacea, Thalassinidea)]
Secondary Title Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 66
Issue 4
Pages 427–437
Place published  
This study analyzes the importance of body size and habitat of the ghost shrimp Callianassa garthi, as host factors affecting the patterns of distribution, abundance and fecundity of the ectosymbiont copepod Clausidium sp.Ghost shrimps from two different habitats were collected and compared in the copepod abundance, fecundity, and number of ovigerous and mature females per host.Experimental estimates of the carrying capacity and colonization rates of copepods were also carried out.Results revealed that the aggregated distribution of copepods among hosts and the host body size were the principal factors determining intrapopulation size.Host habitat indirectly influenced the size of copepod intrapopulations through changes in the body size structure of the ghost shrimp population.Intraspecific competition among copepods seems to play a minor role in regulating intrapopulation size, as indicated by the low intensity of the density dependence of copepod fecundity.We discuss the possibility that the size of copepod intrapopulations is limited by recruitment.
Keywords thalassinidea population association chile
Reference Contributor Tag gpoore
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:45 2012

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