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Detailed information for reference 10648

 MacLeay, W.S. (1838) On the brachyurous decapod Crustacea brought from the Cape by Dr. Smith. In: Smith, A. (ed.) Illustrations of the Annulosa of South Africa; being a portion of the objects of natural history chiefly collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa, under the directin of Dr. Andrew Smith, in the years 1834, 1835. and 1836; fitted out by “The Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring Central Africa”. London: Smith, Elder, and Co.. Pp. 53–71, 2 plates. URL: http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/41282


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Reference change log

2009-07-11 N. Dean Pentcheff Added plates
2009-06-29 N. Dean Pentcheff Book title fixed back to “Annulosa” based on original
2009-06-23 N. Dean Pentcheff Fixed book title based on Ng and Ahyong 2001
2008-10-28 N. Dean Pentcheff Title caps

Reference record internal details

Reference ID 10648
Reference type booksection
Authors MacLeay, W.S.
Publication Year (for display) 1838
Publication Year (for sorting) 1838
Title On the brachyurous decapod Crustacea brought from the Cape by Dr. Smith
Secondary Title Illustrations of the Annulosa of South Africa; being a portion of the objects of natural history chiefly collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa, under the directin of Dr. Andrew Smith, in the years 1834, 1835. and 1836; fitted out by “The Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring Central Africa”
Secondary Authors Smith, A.
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Pages 53–71
Place published London
Published Smith, Elder, and Co.
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/41282
Remarks There are conflicting versions of the book title (Illustrations of the “Zoology” or “Annulosa”). At least one copy that contains this paper uses “Annulosa” -- see URL at BHL.
Reference Contributor Tag galatheid
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:37 2012

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