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Detailed information for reference 10688

 Müller, P. and J.S.H. Collins (1991) Late Eocene coral-associated decapods (Crustacea) from Hungary. Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology 28(2–3): 47–92, Plates 1–8. PDF is 7.5MB


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PDF contributorGalatheid Workshop 2007 (Gary Poore)
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2009-07-14 N. Dean Pentcheff Added plates
2008-10-28 N. Dean Pentcheff Abstract from Galatheid Workshop

Reference record internal details

Reference ID 10688
Reference type journalarticle
Authors Müller, P.
Collins, J.S.H.
Publication Year (for display) 1991
Publication Year (for sorting) 1991
Title Late Eocene coral-associated decapods (Crustacea) from Hungary
Secondary Title Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology
Secondary Authors  
Tertiary Title  
Tertiary Authors  
Volume 28
Issue 2–3
Pages 47–92
Place published  
Fifty-eight species of fossil crabs are recorded and figured from Facirs 4, a coral-lw'trlllg Ilnicstonc. ol the Szepvolgy Formation (Late Eocene, Priabonian) of Hungary. The following 18 genera, 1 suhgrnus and '35 \pet ale Iletq- 1)ardanus curtlrnanus, Pagurus latzdar!ylrcr, I)zogenes longzrnanus, Pagun~teso llgotuberculatus, Galathea (;lcanthqgala&hea\ ubgen. no\. I pan a, I'rotomunrda pentnrnnthn, Longoporcellana dentictclaia gen. nov., Po~~~onayrcxu atus, Peirolisfhes ? strzattuznrus, Ouocarcirius clorrgulus qen. no\.. Drumzl~tetJ orsnfn. I)rornrlzles subglohosa, kiomtltis p~nlngnnalzs, ~rnonornusp nmztznus, Ouarnene Jrancrav gen. nov., Ethrcsn erae, C;er~lnrcicarcrn~{~osr r atrrc gen nov , .!annmaja sznzp/ex gen. no\.., ~Zlesolambrusd ecltnatus gen. nov., .-lctaeztes lobatus gen. nov.. Paraxanthosia buderisls gpn. no\ ., fi/len~nomrrnrcpsl nnrdentaircs, Prtabono~arcinrtsg allkus gen. nov., Prochlorodirrs ~llzptzcus gen. nov , Sculptoplau rlglda gen. not ., Eornald~trn parraonrra gen no\. . Eon~nldlrlra &rzsplnosa, Budapanoperts dentzculatr~sg en. nov., Panopezcs granultnentus, Branchropla~ sulca~a,C apro(ancer altlcr gt-n not .. I.btallrtnrrrr~rusp iallus gen. nov., Daragrafisus tnspznosus gen. nov., Eoplau n7zninin gen. nov., arld Paineog~apsusb zftnert. Anothcr neu genus, [.uhqaIt-~upsg~e~n . nov., 1s introduced to accommodate a previously describrd species and right species in a\ many genera are dcscnbrd, but not named.
Reference Contributor Tag galatheid
Last Changed Wed Dec 5 10:57:37 2012

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