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ReCite: Enter new references

Edited references available to retrieve: 0

See this introduction if you are new to this.

Cut-and-paste references from a formatted reference list into this form (for details on that, see below). Click Edit References to parse and then edit the references. After that, continue on to retrieve your database-ready references from the final retrieval page.

Instructions and guidelines are below; also see the more general introduction.

Entry format

Multiple references
You can paste in more than one reference at a time.
Each reference should be entered either as a single line (though it may wrap in the widow) or references must be separated by one or more blank lines, so that the parser can tell where one reference ends and the next begins.
When you have pasted in your references, check the appropriate separation option below the entry box (one-to-a-line or multiple blank lines), then click the Edit References button.
Small batches
Because it can take a few seconds to parse each reference, we advice doing things in batches of no more than 4-6 references at a time. They will accumulate (watch the message on the page top bar telling you how many references you have that are parsed and ready for retrieval).
Dashes for author names
If the leading authors’ names are replaced with a dash, we will attempt to copy the authors from the preceeding reference (if there is one).
Italics (e.g. species names in titles)
Since you cannot cut and paste italics into a web form box, there is a workaround to mark italic sections: surround them with underbar characters.
For example, enter: A new species of _Bopyrus_ from New South Wales
to signify: A new species of Bopyrus from New South Wales
(Note that this is only for internal italic sections. Italicization of entire fields will be done by the output formatting of your reference program—don’t use these underbars for entire journal or book titles.)
Accents and special characters
We think these should work (more or less), as long as your submitted text is in Unicode (UTF-8 encoding). Some word processors have their own unique character representations (if so, you will have to hand-edit the results).

Hints and suggestions

Creative Commons License Copyright NHMLAC    Design: Dean Pentcheff pentcheff@gmail.com